Ego je loš gospodar ali dobar sluga

Ego nekad može da bude opak i opasan po život, ali ja sam protiv njegove smrtne kazne.
On je loš gospodar, ali dobar sluga.
On je idealan kućepazitelj našeg života i na oprezu je da nas ne sustigne neka iznenadna opasnost. Sigurno će nas skloniti od brzog voza ako se zateknemo na šinama, od medveda u šumi, zakočiće, potrčaće, ubrzaće, preduzeće. Bežaće ili će napasti.
Ali kad on hoće da štiti u domenima gde nije ekspert, a to je srce i duša, onda ga ja rado poredim sa mojom Babanđelijom. Jasno, ona se zove Anđelija, ali kako se ono početno A na njenom imenu gubilo iza „baba“, svi smo kao deca mislili da je njeno ime zapravo Nđelija.
Ona je želela da me zaštiti od „sumnjive“ dece kojekakvih komšija, a koja možda imaju nameru da voze moj bicikl, namerno me izbace iz igre, a ako ništa od toga, možda su jednostavno nevaspitana. Rezultat njene zaštite je bila – moja usamljenost dok druga deca uživaju.
Ona je takođe želela da budem zdrava, duboko verujući da zdravlje ulazi na usta. Ta hrana treba da bude sita i jaka sa dosta mesa, slanine, kolača. Rezultat njene želje za zdravljem, vodio je direktno u tromost i gojaznost.
Da se razumemo, ja moju Nđeliju volim.
Zato volim i ego koji hoće sve najbolje svom domaćinu. On ima dobru nameru ali se ne razume u moderna shvatanja i suptilnost pa ga treba slušati samo kao telohranitelja.
Ako on odluči da vas zaštiti, čuvaće vas kao oči u glavi, samo da vam se nešto ne desi. Dobra stvar je što vam se neće desiti ništa ružno. Ali ni lepo.
U želji da nas zaštiti, naš rođeni ego nas često stavi u zatvor. Za svaki slučaj- neka smo na sigurnom, makar propustili i rođenu svrhu.

An ego is a bad master, but a good servant
An ego can sometimes be wicked and life-threatening; still, I’m against the death penalty.
It is a bad master, but a good servant.
Your ego is an ideal guardian, always on the alert for sudden dangers. It is sure to push us out of the way of an oncoming train, if we happen to find ourselves on the tracks, or a bear in the woods; it will slam on the breaks, run, speed up, and take action.
But when your ego wants to be protective in areas where it is not the expert, like the matters of the heart, soul or emotions, then I like to compare it to my grandmother.
She wanted to protect me from the “suspicious-looking” kids of the “suspicious-looking” neighbours, who might steal my bike, exclude me from a game on purpose, or are simply hateful. The result of her protectiveness is my loneliness. She wanted me to be healthy and truly believed that the way to health is through the mouth. A meal had to be hearty and nourishing; with a lot of meat, bacon and cake. Her desire for health led directly to sluggishness and obesity. Don’t get me wrong, I love my grandmother. This is why I love the ego, which wants only the best for his host. It has good intentions, but doesn’t understand our delicate bodies, and so we should listen to it only when it is playing the role of a bodyguard. If your ego decides to protect you, it will tell you that you’re not good enough, not prepared, not as good as the others, and it will keep you within the comfort zone, safe, even though you feel like there are other things you should experience.
In an attempt to protect us, our own ego often imprisons us. Just in case – better to be safe, even if we miss our own purpose.

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