Učitelj ostaje učitelj

Jedno jutro, dok su mi se još mešali san i java, došao je moj Učitelj da me poduči neke dodatne lekcije koje za života nije imao priliku da mi prenese.
Njegova svetlost je ispunila prostor, a ja sam ushićeno kao djak prvak krenula da ponavljam ono što sam već dobro znala:
– Dragi moj Učitelju, ja puštam svoju dušu da me vodi na ovom putu. Moje telo će da je prati. Hoću da ona bude vođa, a moje telo da je vozi, izgovorila sam u jednom dahu, ne znam zašto.
-Da, to je taj put, odgovorio je učitelj. Kreni, već si na njemu. Ima tu još nešto kod intuicije da se otvori, onda se sve vidi. Imaćeš i to. Čekaj još malo..Duši treba dosta da izađe, ona je gola i ne može odjednom da se prikaže. Malo po malo..Tvoja hrabrost je štiti, nastavi. Ti ćeš uraditi mnogo toga.
-Ali ja nemam dovoljno hrabrosti u ovom svetu, malo sam potonula dok sam izgovarala ove reči.
-Svako ima nekog u kome se nalazi refleksija neprobuđenih delova. Kad stane ta osoba pred tebe, videćeš svoj odraz hrabrosti. Prihvati je, spoji je, uvidi je, izroni je iz sebe.
-I šta sa tim?
-Pusti je-ona ti pomaže da ovaj nežni, svetli deo tebe nađe izraz.
-Kako ću znati ko je ta osoba i da li je prava? Hoćemo biti zajedno u nekom obliku?
-To nije važno. Vi ste svakako zajedno, ta osoba gleda u talase i vidi tebe. Pogleda u nebo ili sunce i vidi tebe. Jer joj iz očiju ideš ti…oči su iz duše. Iz duše ideš ti. Gde god gleda ta osoba vidi tebe, jer to je u duši-Ti.
-A ja? Šta je sa mnom?
-Ta osoba je tvoja tvoja snaga, zaštita. Bez nje, ne bi mogla da izbaciš iz sebe ono što je važno i što je svrha. Samo u tom odrazu. Zato je tu, da stvorite plamen. Mnogi ga traže i imaju osećaj da im je čitav život potraga za nečim što ne mogu da nađu. Nisu bitni odnosi koje imate kroz život nego susreti koji mogu da odrede život.
-Šta je važno još da znam?- bila sam nestrpljiva da saznam što više. Bojala sam se da će iznenada sve nestati, i ja i ovo jutro i moj učitelj, a da ću se rasaniti u iluziji zvanoj svakidašjica i sve zaboraviti.
-Nastavi, nastavi da pišeš, bodrio me je učitelj. Sve će to biti bašta puna cvetova. Jednom će jedan biti tvoje remek delo, ali do njega treba doći-pisanjem. Ono je duboko, svakom ispisanom reči si mu bliža.
-Kako je tebi u Večnosti?
-Ovo sam tražio dok sam bio tu. Ovaj konačni osećaj svetlosti i lakoće, istinski pun osećaj istine. Uživam.
-Jel ti tu sada lepše, šta radiš? Sigurno ti je lepše, pričam gluposti…
-To je tečno stanje, ako tako možeš da me razumeš. Ja sam svetao i tečan. Učim da budem povezan sa oba sveta. Radim na duhovnoj inspiraciji ljudi koje obilazim, da ih energetski pokrenem iz ove dimenzije. To je učenje za svest u Nebu. Učim da postanem Učitelj u duhu, neću se više vraćati na zemlju.
-Jel možeš da nastaviš da mi budeš Učitelj, kako da znam kada ćemo se sresti opet?
-Ti me zovi, biću ti Učitelj. Ja takve i čekam, možemo o svemu pričati. Reći ću ti mnoge stvari, izgledalo je kao da mi namiguje. Izgleda je duhovnost veoma duhovita.
-Hvala ti, ovo je predivno saznanje. Kada da te zovem?,- zabrinula sam se da ne dosadim ovom divnom biću.
-Nema vreme, uvek je sada ovde. Zovi me uvek. Vodiću te.
– Jel imaš još neke učenike oko mene?
-Ne, da ovako pričaju i čuju me. Samo me osete. Ne znaju da ima kanal sa jasnom vezom. Kao da im stoji telefon pored očima i ušima ali ne znaju kako se telefonira. To im objasni. Ljudi u određenom momentu mogu da pričaju sa nama i treba da krenu. Doći će do mnogih uvida brže. Ili to nikad ne bi ni uvideli..
-Učitelju kako da se oprostim od tebe?
-Ti neigde ne ideš. U duhovnom svetu, sve je tu. Ti se uključuješ i isključuješ. Kad se opet uključiš -ja sam tu!
-Hvala ti, volim te. Želim da ti nacrtam jedno srce.

I nacrtala sam mu srce na slobodnim marginama knjige, po kojoj sam zapisivala sve ovo što mi je rekao jedno jutro moj Učitelj.

Once a Teacher, Always a Teacher
One morning, when I was still in that state between dream and reality, my Teacher came to me to give me additional lessons, which he didn’t have a chance pass on during his lifetime.
His light filled the room, and with the excitement of a first grader, I began repeating the things I already knew well.
“My dear Teacher, I am letting my soul lead me on this path. My body will follow it. I want it to be my leader, and my body to carry it,” I uttered in one breath, I don’t know why.
“Yes, that is the path,” my Teacher replied. “Keep going, you are already on this path. There is one more thing to open with regard to your intuition, and then you will see all. You will have this as well. Wait a little more… The soul needs time to come out; it is naked and cannot reveal itself at once. Little by little… Your courage is protecting it, keep going. You will do so much.”
“But I don’t have enough courage in this world,” I was a little discouraged as I uttered these words.
“We all have someone who holds the reflection of our unawakened parts. When this person stands before you, you will see the reflection of your courage. Accept it, join it, be aware of it, and let it emerge.”
“And then?”
“Let it go – it will help the gentle, bright part of you to find expression.”
“How will I know who this person is and whether it’s really them? Will we be together in some form?”
“That’s not important. You’re already together; this person looks into the tides and sees you. Looks up to the sky or sun and sees you. Because you are in their eyes… the eyes come from the soul. You are in their soul. Wherever this person looks, they will see you, because it’s in the soul – You are in their soul.”
“And me? What about me?”
“This person is your strength, your protection. Without them you would not be able to draw out the things that are important, the purpose. Only in this reflection. This is why they are here, for you to create a flame. Many search for this person and feel like their whole life is a search for something they cannot find. The relationships you have in the course of your life are not important, but rather the encounters which can determine your life.”
“What else should I know?” I was impatient to learn as much as possible. I was afraid everything would disappear suddenly, me and this morning and my Teacher, and that I will awaken in the illusion called everyday life and forget everything.
“Continue, keep writing,” my Teacher encouraged me. It will all be a garden filled with flowers. Eventually something will become your masterpiece, but you have to get there – by writing. It’s buried deep, and with every written word you are getting closer.”
“What’s it like for you in Eternity?”
“This is what I was looking for while I was here. This final feeling of light and ease, a truly complete feeling of truth. It’s wonderful.”
“Do you like it more there, what do you do? Of course you do, I’m talking nonsense…”
“This is a fluid state, if this makes it easier for you to understand. I’m light and fluid. I’m learning how to be connected with both worlds. I try to spiritual inspire the people I visit, to instill energy and move them from this dimension. This is learning for consciousness in Heaven. I am learning to become a Teacher in spirit; I will not be coming back to Earth.”
“Can you still be my Teacher, how can I know when we will meet again?”
“Call for me, I will be your Teacher. You are what I am waiting for; we can talk about everything. I will tell you so many things,” it seemed like he was winking at me. Looks like spirituality is quite witty.
“Thank you, this is so great to know. When can I call you?” I was careful not to bother this wonderful being.
“Time is non-existent, it’s always here and now. Call my always. I will guide you.”
“Do you have any other pupils besides me?”
“No, not ones who can talk like this and hear me. They only feel my presence. They don’t know there is a direct line. It’s like having a phone in front you but not knowing how to make the call. Explain this to them. At some point people can talk to us and should start. They will come to realize many things much more quickly. Or never at all…”
“Teacher, how do I say good-bye to you?”
“You’re not going anywhere. In the spiritual world, all things are there. You tap in and out. When you tap in again – I will be here!”
“Thank you, I love you. I want to draw you a heart.”
And I drew him a heart in the margins of the book in which I was writing everything my Teacher told me one morning.

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