Zakon davanja

Bilo bi dobro kada bi većina ljudi darežljivo davala ljubav, a škrto kritikovala i psovala druge.
To bi značilo da volimo i prolaznike, nervozne vozače, neljubazne službenike, naporne rođake, namrštene babe, namćore i ostale.

-Kako je to moguće, čujem vas da galamite!
-Moguće je voleti samo svog rođenog ili nekoga ko je poznat, ko je to zaslužio i tako nekako!

Uprkos ovom ustaljenom mišljenju, dokaz za ovu ideju da treba voleti sve odreda, pao mi je na pamet juče na ulici kada sam videla predivnu devojčicu, uzrasta dve-tri godine. Imala je  čarobne, andjeoske crte lica i bila je vedra, naspavanih očiju, a na vrhu glave, dozvolila je da joj ukrote kosu i naprave bućkicu od nestašnih lokni. Hodala je još uvek nespretno i dok je držala baku za ruku, radoznalo je gledala oko sebe sve što je bilo za videti na ulici.
Baka je uživala u društvu svog sitog i zdravog unučeta koga, nema ko na ulici, nije uporedio sa samim medom ili šećerom. Za to vreme, videla sam prostor oko bake koji je cvetao najšarenijim bojama, kao divan vrt.
Taj kratki susret i mimoilaženje me je toliko raznežilo, i kako već dugo vidim i čujem ono što se ne vidi i ne čuje, shvatim-da to dete izazva iz mene samu energiju ljubavi, svetlosne iskrice i privalči ih radosno ka sebi.
Taj tren kada je devojčica izmamila sve te iskričave, svetlosne čestice čiste ljubavi, bilo je trenutak same radosti i miline za mene pa smo obe ličile na dva mala sunca. Ovo je bio neoborivi dokaz da slanje blistavih iskrica ljubavi neuslovljenih poznanstvom, porodičnim ili drugim vezama, prija telu onoga ko ih šalje, isceljuje to telo odašiljača i puni ga još većom svetlošću.
Da, to bi bilo divno saznanje i dobra teorija da odmah iza ove dve divne dame nije naišla jedna namrgođena baba.
Nesvesno, krenula sam da ispuštam sive, bezazlene, ali ipak bodljikave, strelice jer je namrgođena baba upravo to prizivala na sebe. Iako znam da odnose sa okolinom ne gradimo samo rečima i delima i da u svim tim interakcijama jedni drugima kao reči, upućujemo i energetske raznorazne entitete koje nosimo u sebi, tog momenta nisam svesno „videla“ ovu razmenu.
Na svu sreću, desilo se nešto veoma čudno što će potvrditi moj dokaz da je za odašiljača korisno slanje iskrica ljubavi.
Kada se kao ja prepustite da vas vodi vaš mudriji vodič, nikada svesno ne znate  gde će vas taj viši deo vas i odvesti. Iskusno prepuštena, pratila sam ono što će se dogoditi.
Prvo sam osetila predivan, čist, nekako strarinski, miris sapuna ili parfema, a babino lice se u mom mentalnom oku transformisalo u lice neke male, slatke devojčice, veoma slične onoj koja je malo pre prošla i ja sam opet zasijala svetlosnim iskricama prema namrgođenoj babi. Ona je u isto vreme bila mala i čista, mirisna devojčica u nekom bezvremnom i bezprostornom smislu.  Sve se odigralo u trenu mimoilaska i sad se baba nasmešila i prošla.
Ova radost bila je još jača od predhodne, a ja sam osećala zadovoljstvo jer sam dobila dupli dokaz da slanje svetlosti, ispunjava još većom svetlošču onoga ko je šalje.
To sam isti dan proverila na mnogim poznatim i nepoznatim ljudima, dotadašnjim „gnjavatorima i smetalima“, svaki put odašiljući svetlost umesto entiteta koji bi se najlakše mogli uporediti sa ekserima, rđom, kiselinom, buđi, dimom i sličnim pojmovima. Sad sam se setila kako sam nekada darežljivo psovala, ogovarala i požrtvovano slala energiju sličnu sluzi, strelica, šmirgli i kamenja puneći se još više tim istim energijama dok sam se zavaravala kako je to oslobađajuće raditi.
Možda sam čak na momenat i uživala dok sam pričala kako je neko glupav, ružan dok sam pokušavala sebe i druge da „ubedim“ da sam ja pametna i lepa, a za sve to vreme, u etru je oko mene lebdelo neko „nevidljivo“ energetsko smeće!

Važno je ono što pošaljemo drugima jer to se uduplira u nama.
Ko želi, neka proba!

The Law of Giving

It would be good if people could be generous with their love, and stingy with their criticisms and condemnations of others.
This would mean we also love random passersby, nervous drivers, unpleasant clerks, exhausting relatives, frowning old ladies, grouches and so on.
“How is that possible?! I can hear you shouting.

“You can only love your family or someone you know, someone who deserves to be loved, someone like that!”
In spite of this established belief, proof of this notion, that we should love everyone, occurred to me yesterday, in the street, when I saw a beautiful little girl, perhaps two or three years old. She had magical, angelic features and she was cheerful, eyes sparkling, with her hair tamed into a little ponytail of playful curls. She was still a bit unsteady on her feet, and as she held her grandmother’s hand, her curious eyes wanted to see everything there was in the street.

The grandmother was relishing in the moments with her content, healthy grandchild whom the passersby couldn’t resist but compare to sweetest honey or the cutest cupcake. As I watched them, I noticed the area around the grandmother was blooming with color, like the most beautiful garden. I was so moved by this brief encounter, and since I’ve been hearing and seeing things that cannot be heard or seen for some time, I realized this child had impelled me to generate pure energy of love, sparkles of light, attracting them cheerfully towards her.
That moment when the girl attracted all these sparkly, light particles of pure love, was an instant of utter joy and pleasure for me and we both looked like two little suns. This is irrefutable proof that the emission of glowing sparkles of love, unconditioned by friendship, family or other relationships, satisfies the body emitting them, heals it and fills it with an even greater light.
Yes, this would be a wonderful realization and a good theory if I hadn’t encountered a sullen old lady immediately after these two delightful ladies.
I unconsciously began to emit grey, harmless but still pointy, arrows because this was exactly what the grumpy old lady attracted. Although I know our relationships with the people around us are not built only on words and actions and that in all these interactions we also exchange various entities of energy we carry within, at that moment, I did not consciously “see” the exchange.
Luckily, something very strange happened, which confirmed that emitting sparks of love is beneficial to the emitter.
When, like me, you let your wiser guide lead you, you are never conscious of where this elevated part of you will take you. With experienced surrender, I watched to see what was going to happen.
First, I sensed a beautiful, clean, somehow old-fashioned, fragrance of soap or perfume, and the old lady’s face transformed in my mind into a face of a small, sweet girl, very similar to the girl I passed a moment ago, and I once again emitted sparks of light towards the frowning old lady. At the same time, she was a clean, sweet-scented little girl in some timeless, spaceless sense. It all happened in a split second, and the old lady smiled as we passed each other.
The joy was even greater than before, and I felt a sense of satisfaction because now I had double the proof that transmitting light fills the emitter with an even greater light.
That same day I tried this out on many of the people I knew and didn’t know, the “annoying and irritating”, each time emitting light instead of the entity which would be more easily described with words like nails, rust, acid, mold, smoke and so on. I remembered my once generous swearing and gossiping, and how I used to emit energy similar to mucus, arrows, emery board and stones, filling myself with this same energy while deceiving myself by thinking this was liberating. Perhaps at times I even enjoyed talking about how stupid or ugly someone was while trying to “persuade” myself and others that I was smart and pretty. Meanwhile, that whole time, the air around me was filled with “invisible” toxic energy!
It’s important what we send to others, because it increases twofold within us.
Try it!

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