Samo ljubav je mogla da dođe kroz bebe i ono što je bilo pre toga.

Razmišljala sam koja je svrha komarca osim da me ujede i zuji? Isto se odnosi i na muve. Zuje i dosađuju mi.
Onda sam se setila da reči pojedinih ljudi imaju isti smisao. Iritiraju kao da zuje pored ušiju, pecnu te, mada tog momenta ne osetiš, uzmu malo krvi kad ne vidiš  i posle svrbe do bola. Nisu komarci opasni, ali nekako su jadni, nepotrebni. Apsurdni.
To me je navelo da dodam svoj deo u Darvinov mit o evoluciji. Ako reči cinizma, sitnih laži, zlobe, prebacivanja, zamerki, uvreda, prigovaranja, ogovaranja… zamislimo kao entitete koji žive i lebde negde u etru, iako su izgovorene ko zna kad i kome, one teže da pronađu telo u koje bi mogli da se usele i materijalizuju. Tako je nastao komarac, opipljiva metafora dugačkih palacajućih jezika..O muvama nemam mnogo lepih reči. One ne ujedaju tako često, ali ima ih puno i vole trulež.
A onda su mi misli nastavile evoluciju. 
Šta je u etru htelo da se otelotvori u čoveka? Šta se to zbijalo, akumuliralo i tražilo svoj izraz?
Samo ljubav je mogla da dođe kroz bebe i ono što je bilo pre toga.
A posle?
A posle u životu od tih sitnih ujeda nešto se pokvarila ta čistoća i svetlost ljudskosti, i pod tim uticajem, ona je počela da bledi.
Love Can Only Come From Babies
and What Preceded
What is the purpose of mosquitoes, I wondered, except to buzz and bite me?
It’s the same with flies. They buzz and annoy me.
Then it came to me that some people’s words have the same effect.
They irritate as they buzz around, sting you, and although you are not aware of it at the moment, take a little of your blood when you’re not looking and later itch to the point of pain. Mosquitoes are not dangerous, but rather somehow pathetic, and pointless. Absurd.
This prompted me to give my contribution to Darwin’s myth on evolution. If we imagine words of cynicism, white lies, spite, reproach, resentment, insult, criticism, gossip… as entities that live and float around in the air, we will see that even though they were uttered who knows when and to whom, they strive to occupy a body and materialize. This was how the mosquito, a tangible metaphor of long rambling tongues, was created… I don’t have anything nice to say about flies. They don’t bite often, but there are many of them and they like decay.
And then my thoughts continued with the evolution.
What was this thing in the air that wanted to embody man? What was it that piled up, accumulated and searched for its own expression?
Love can only come from babies and what preceded them.
And later?
Later in life, as a result of these tiny bites, the purity and light of humanity is blemished and it starts to fade.

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