Velika stvar

Svaki trenutak u životu je mogućnost za Veliku stvar.
I ovog momenta dok čitaš, šta ćeš izabrati Veliko?
Neki će reći – Ništa! Šta mogu? Nemoćan sam!
Drugi, opet, pokušavaju- Možda nekada nešto veliko i urade u budućnosti ako im se posreći!

Ovog trena, Velika stvar je misao -pozitivna, zdrava, kreativna i Velika.
Slobodna i srećna, svetla i izazovna.

Velika misao je moćna kao i njena manifestacija zvana Velika stvar.
Svako je sposoban da pravi skicu za Velika dela.

Big Deeds
Each moment in our lives is a possibility for something big.
Even now as you are reading this, what big deed will you choose?
Some will say – Nothing! What can I do? I’m powerless!
Others will try. Maybe they’ll even do something big in the future!
At this moment the big deed is the thought – positive, healthy, creative and big. Free and happy, bright and challenging.
A big thought is powerful, like its manifestation the so-called big deed. Everyone is capable of sketching out big deeds.


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