Vilinska narav

Od ključne je važnosti da ljudi počnu da poštuju vile…One nisu samo male, debele bake iz bajki, sa krilcima i čarobnim štapićem.
One pomeraju cvetove, otvaraju plodove, listaju, imaju svoj izgled, carstva, mesta gde borave. One su Duhovni čuvari Prirode kao što Andjeli čuvaju nas ljude i božanski deo koji nosimo u sebi.
Ako uđete u vilinsko carstvo, nagradiće vas te lepršave i nesputane deve jer ste stvarno sreli, upoznali i postali svesni i Sebe i Prirode. I Kao da smo jedno sa njom, osećaćemo životnost Majke Zemlje, njenu nabujalost i zelenilo, potpuni sklad, rađanje i promene.
Ako poštujemo vile, one će doneti u naš život magiju i to je onaj bajkoviti deo ove Armije Svetlosti.
Nije potrebno da verujete ili ne verujete u njih. Dovoljno je da gledate prirodu u proleće i osetite deo te vilinske čarolije.
Da bi Vile dale svoju magiju, potrebno je čisto i otvoreno srce. One ne žele da sakriju spontanost i radost ako odluče da vam se obrate. Njih baš briga kako ćete reagovati i tada odlučno bacaju svoju čarobnu prašinu svuda unaokolo.
Imate puno sreće ako odluče da bace svoj vilinski prah i na vas..
Fairy-Like Qualities
It is crucial that people begin to respect fairies… They are not merely small, chubby old ladies from fairytales, with wings and a magic wand. They move flowers, spread open pistils, burst buds into leaves, they have a characteristic appearance, their own realms, places where they live. They are the spiritual guardians of Nature, just like the Angels protect us people and the divine within us.
If you enter a fairy realm, you will be rewarded by those fluttering, unrestrained devas because you have truly encountered, met and become aware of both yourself and Nature. And once we are one with her, we will feel the vitality of Mother Nature, the bloom and greenness, complete harmony, birth and change.
If we respect fairies, they will bring magic to our lives and this is the fairytale part of this Army of Light.
You don’t need to believe or not believe in them. All you need to do is observe nature in spring and feel a part of this fairy magic.
A pure and open heart is needed for the fairies to share their magic. They have no wish to hide their spontaneity and joy when they decide to contact you. They don’t worry a bit about how you will react, and resolutely throw their fairy dust everywhere.
You are very lucky if they decide to throw their fairy dust on you as well…

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