
Istina je iskrenost prema sebi.
Istovremeno, bez naročitog truda, iskreni smo i prema drugima, hteli to ili ne. 

Istina i iskrenost se najčešće sreću kod dece i srećnih ljudi.

Ako istinu krijemo od sebe, gurnemo je negde duboko i pravimo se da je nema, ona će kao svetlost dana, svako jutro da se rađa kroz pitanje: Zašto se osećam ovako? Nešto nisam dobre volje.
Neki ljudi pristaju da budu neiskreni prema sebi samo zato da bi izbegli sukob sa okolinom. Prave se da se slažu sa svim i svačim jer imaju strah od odbacivanja. 

Neki drugi opet, lažu sebe da im treba mnogo više od onoga što trenutno imaju. Takvi ljudi zamajavaju sebe da su novac, sreća, zdravlje ili ljubav ograničene stvari pa se boje da im neće ostati dovoljno ako ih i drugi imaju. Zato ih grabe što više za sebe i ne čuju istinu da za svakog ima dovoljno. 

Istina je sadašnji trenutak, uvek ispunjen, istinit i moćan. 
Sve drugo je promašaj života u iluziji ili prošlosti ili budućnosti.

The Truth
Truth means being honest with yourself.
And thus, without much effort, we are honest with others, whether we want to or not.
Truth and honesty are most often found in children and happy individuals.
If we hide the truth from ourselves, push it deep inside and pretend it’s not there, it will emerge each morning, like daylight, with the question: Why do I feel this way? I’m not in a very good mood. Some are willingly dishonest with themselves only to avoid conflicts. They pretend to agree with everything because of fear of rejection.
Others, on the other hand, lie to themselves that they need much more than they currently have. Such individuals think that money, happiness, health and love are limited commodities and are afraid there won’t be enough left for them if others have them as well. So they grab as much as they can for themselves and cannot hear the truth – that there is enough for everyone.

The truth is the present, always fulfilled, honest and powerful. All else is a failed life of illusion, spent in the past or future.

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